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بحث عن مشروع نيوم بالإنجليزي Pdf كامل

إن مشروع مدينة نيوم من أضخم المشروعات التي تم التخطيط لها في المملكة السعودية، وذلك ليس بالنظر إلى قيمته التمويلية التي تعدت 500 مليار دولار فقط، ولكن بالقيمة التاريخية التي يتم التخطيط لها من خلاله.

عناصر بحث عن مشروع نيوم بالإنجليزي

بحث عن مشروع نيوم pdf بالإنجليزي

  • Introduction to research
  • About the city of NEOM
  • NEOM project goals
  • Examples of NEOM city projects
  • Conclusion of the research

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Introduction to research/مقدمة بحث عن مشروع نيوم

NEOM is the name of the city that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia intended to establish to be the seed of its industrial revolution,

and a source for pumping new types of investments and revolutions that the Kingdom plans to add to the portfolio of its huge national economic projects.

Which depends on a future point of view based on a profitable economy and sustainable development,

within the framework of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, and with support from 14 different sectors, those in charge of the project seek to create an unparalleled city, by providing innovative and environmentally friendly solutions.

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About the city of NEOM

بحث عن مشروع نيوم pdf بالإنجليزي

The bold NEOM project was launched in 2017, by His Highness Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul-Aziz, the Crown Prince, and is being worked on under the umbrella of the Public Investment Fund.

The project aimed to transform the desert into a promising future innovation, in the form of a city that operates entirely with renewable energy.

It was decided that the entire project would be constructed on an area of ​​26,500 square kilometers, distributed along the coasts of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba,

so that this area would accommodate four sub-projects, turning the northwest of the Kingdom overlooking the Red Sea into a legend.

NEOM project goals

In October 2021, Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced the launch of the first NEOM city project, The Line, as the beginning of implementing the ambitious project goals,

which come in light of a vision of economic openness that the Kingdom has never seen before.

The Kingdom was accustomed to relying on oil revenues to support its economy, but with the development it has sought recently, the destination has shifted to more sources, based entirely on renewable energy, and targets the following:

  • Developing and diversifying the economic resources in the Kingdom, and striving to place it on the map of leadership in growth and development at the world level.
  • Creating a suitable living and working environment for all levels of population from different regions of the world, surrounded by a culture of exploration and adventure.
  • Adopting sustainable development.
  • Creating new standards that combine community health and environmental preservation.

Examples of NEOM city projects

The ambitious plan drawn up for the project included 14 vital investment sectors, which varied between cities and tourism, industrial, sports, and other projects, about which the project management provided overviews, examples of which we can see through the following.

1- Design and construction sector

The NEOM project aims to achieve a fourth industrial revolution, by integrating comprehensive digital design with sustainable construction, and relying on modern technologies and advanced model standards, seeking to provide a living environment with a level of luxury for its workers.

In addition to the interest in providing advanced capabilities that will serve the establishment of huge central projects, not only in the city, but globally, NEOM will thus lead an unprecedented wave of change in order to build sectors that are more intelligent and respect ethical standards.

2- Education, research and innovation

The education sector is focused on four main axes, which represent the pillars of education in the Kingdom, which are:

  • Early childhood stage (pre-university): This is where high-quality educational programs are designed, based on future generation technologies and learning through experience.
  • NEOM University: which was planned to be a research institution, relying on modern technologies in education, and providing the opportunity for students to lead the future in various sectors.
  • Education, Research and Innovation Foundation: which represents an innovative system that seeks to find solutions to global challenges.
  • Talent Academy: It will be a gateway, through which improved skills and talents will be demonstrated, towards the ongoing professional development journey.

3- Energy field

The project seeks to produce completely clean energy, with the aim of supplying the whole world with renewable energy, by relying on mechanisms to change the future of solar and wind energy, in addition to establishing the largest green hydrogen plant in the world, in addition to creating a digital platform for customers, smart energy networks, and artificial intelligence.

4- Culture and entertainment

Those in charge of the project intend to transform the city into the world capital of entertainment and culture, by supporting the axes of the concept of quality of life in a different way, and providing a creative and supportive environment for artists and creators.

5- Financial sector

In NEOM, the future of financial services is being redefined, through financial centers built on advanced technologies, and operating with tested regulations and laws, to achieve sustainable financing, provide advanced investment models, reduce cash transactions, and take broader steps in artificial intelligence products, with systems that support innovation and stability.

6- Food sector

Those in charge of the project took the desert as a place to prove the success of their innovative solutions, with regard to food production, distribution and consumption, targeting the areas that suffer most from water scarcity. With the accelerating pace of climate developments, they aim to innovate solutions in the field of food security.

7- The field of health, well-being and biotechnology

NEOM aims to establish an integrated and advanced system centered around the individual, relying on modern technologies, and through comprehensive therapeutic and care practices, to achieve the new global systems and standards it seeks, relying on the individual’s awareness of the concept of proactive prevention.

8- Transport sector

The development of the transportation sector in the NEOM system revolves around redefining the human relationship with the surrounding environment and technology, in order to achieve a transportation system that relies on sustainability and integrates with all the details of life in its various forms.

9- Sports field

In addition to targeting culture and entertainment to be the global center for them, NEOM is also targeting the field of sports, through serious preparation that qualifies it to host international sporting events and competitions, in partnership with international models, which represents an effective and influential contribution to the innovation-based economy.

10- Industry sector

The concept of the future of manufacturing is changing in the NEOM project, opening new horizons in non-linear production, integrated supply chains, reliance on research and the circular economy system, following the latest manufacturing methodologies.

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Conclusion of the research/ خاتمة بحث عن مشروع نيوم

بحث عن مشروع نيوم pdf بالإنجليزي

The NEOM project relied on many modern and well-directed factors, which the world is in dire need of from today and throughout its future. The launch of the first phase of the project began in 2017, as the beginning of a development and development journey targeting all aspects of life in the Kingdom, the impact of which will extend to reach… To the world.

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